Pēteris pameta pili
After more than two years of translating, writing, and editing for the President of Latvia (two Presidents: Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga and her successor), I left the Castle today. I will still do work for the Chancery on contract, but I am no longer an employee. Now I can say what I really think! Just kidding...Labels: latvia, politics
You should write a book about Latvia. You throw so much information and insights into online discussions. I would not say it is a waste. But printed it would be a nice thing.
Thanks, Jens-Olaf. Hopefully publishers offering huge advances are hovering over these comments as we speak...
Congratulations, take a rest and see you writing soon AGAIN!!
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As your Dark Brother, I wish you continued success. Service to ones President is a high honor indeed.
Sipping a glass of Albarino. Prieka Peterim !
Nu žēl. Uzticība Zatlera kunga vārdiem tagad apšaubāma. Vismaz varu paļauties, ka Lettisches Reichkanzlerei tulkojumi vēljoprojām būs kaut cik akurāti. Novēlu Tev veiksmi meklējot pieklājīgu atlīdzību šajā sarežģītajā ekonomijas ērā. Varbūt Ventspils Aivars meklē palīgspēkus? Dievs lai pasargā, lai Tev nebūtu kautkur riktīgi jāstrādā -- Īrijā sēnes šķirot vai.
I wish you the best in your future undertakings. I can not offer any advances. However, if the book is in English rather than Latvian, I would be willing to critique the manuscript free of charge. Let me know if you are ever interested.
yeah you should write a book about Latvia.
Congrats. I think. There's something to be said for being a free agent. Can't offer an advance, but promise to buy an advance copy or two should one ever become available.
Hello! I think your articles are very interesting and insightful! Do you by the way know if there were any Latvian society in Paris around 1893? Or if Latvians couls read French newspapers, like Revue des Revues?
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